Picking a name for your new Maine Coon cat is exciting! They’re like little furry kings and queens with gorgeous fur and eyes you just can’t look away from.
Maybe you want a name that shows how special they are, or one that reminds you of how they love to play. This list has cool names to choose from,
Maine Coon Cat Names

- Meaning: Symbolizing strength and power.
- Inspiration: The Titans of Greek mythology, known for their immense strength and grandeur.
- Variations: Titania, Tita, Ty.
- Meaning: Representing the moon, a mystical and elegant name.
- Inspiration: The calming and enchanting qualities of the moon.
- Variations: Lu, Lun, Luni.
- Meaning: Named after the king of the gods in Greek mythology.
- Inspiration: The powerful and authoritative nature of Zeus, ruler of Mount Olympus.
- Variations: Z, Zeke, Zeusy.
- Meaning: Intense happiness or joy.
- Inspiration: The cheerful and blissful nature associated with joy.
- Variations: Felice, Feli, Lici.
- Meaning: Signifying endurance and strength.
- Inspiration: Atlas from Greek mythology, who held up the heavens.
- Variations: At, Atty, Las.
- Meaning: Short for Cleopatra, reflecting regal elegance.
- Inspiration: The elegance and power of Cleopatra, the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt.
- Variations: Clea, Clio, Clee.
- Meaning: Inspired by the Norse god of thunder.
- Inspiration: The mighty and thunderous qualities of Thor.
- Variations: Thory, T, Thorne.
- Meaning: Representing poise and beauty.
- Inspiration: The refined and graceful nature of elegance.
- Variations: Gracie, Gray, Grac.
- Meaning: Evoking images of legendary strength.
- Inspiration: The hero of Greek mythology renowned for his strength and bravery.
- Variations: Herc, Herky, Les.
- Meaning: Meaning star, symbolizing brightness and radiance.
- Inspiration: The shimmering and radiant qualities of a star.
- Variations: Stell, Stelle, Ella.
- Meaning: Named after the Greek god of music and light.
- Inspiration: The creative and illuminating qualities of Apollo.
- Variations: Ap, Polly, Apo.
- Meaning: Reflecting wisdom and courage from Greek mythology.
- Inspiration: The goddess of wisdom, courage, and warfare.
- Variations: Athie, Thea, Athen.
- Meaning: Associated with wealth and prosperity.
- Inspiration: The king with the golden touch from Greek mythology.
- Variations: Midi, Mide, Das.
- Meaning: Perfect for a cat with a strong personality.
- Inspiration: The glamorous and commanding presence of a diva.
- Variations: Divy, Dee, Iva.
- Meaning: The powerful Norse god associated with war and wisdom.
- Inspiration: The wise and formidable qualities of Odin.
- Variations: Odie, Od, Odon.
- Meaning: A short, sweet name meaning God’s gracious gift.
- Inspiration: The elegant and precious nature of a gift.
- Variations: Gi, G, Gigi.
- Meaning: Conveying sharpness and agility.
- Inspiration: The sleek and agile qualities of a blade.
- Variations: Bladey, B, Ladd.
- Meaning: Named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty.
- Inspiration: The beauty and allure associated with Venus.
- Variations: Vee, V, Nessa.
- Meaning: Meaning king in Latin, suitable for a majestic cat.
- Inspiration: The regal and commanding nature of a king.
- Variations: R, Rexy, Rexie.
- Meaning: Ideal for a Maine Coon with a wild side.
- Inspiration: The intense and powerful nature of a storm.
- Variations: Storm, Stormie, Storr.
- Meaning: Signifying greatness and grandeur.
- Inspiration: The impressive and magnificent qualities of greatness.
- Variations: Mag, Mags, Num.
- Meaning: A royal name fit for a queenly feline companion.
- Inspiration: The elegance and regality of a queen.
- Variations: Queen, Q, Quinny.
- Meaning: Reflecting toughness and resilience like a rock.
- Inspiration: The sturdy and enduring qualities of rocks.
- Variations: Rock, Rocko, Ro.
- Meaning: A classic name exuding charm and sophistication.
- Inspiration: The refined and elegant qualities associated with Greta Garbo.
- Variations: G, Grete, Etta.
- Meaning: For a Maine Coon that exudes authority and leadership qualities.
- Inspiration: The commanding and authoritative presence of a boss.
- Variations: B, Bossy, Bo.
- Meaning: Perfect for a fluffy white Maine Coon resembling a snowball with gracefulness like a bell’s chime.
- Inspiration: The pristine and delicate qualities of snow and bells.
- Variations: Snow, Bell, Snowy.
- Meaning: Treasure, reflecting the preciousness of your Maine Coon.
- Inspiration: The valuable and cherished qualities of a gem.
- Variations: Jas, Jasp, Jay.
- Meaning: Graceful, evokes the elegance of a weeping willow tree.
- Inspiration: The elegant and flexible nature of willow trees.
- Variations: Will, Willa, Lo.
- Meaning: A nod to the vast Maine sky, perfect for a cat with a regal air.
- Inspiration: The expansive and serene qualities of the sky.
- Variations: Sky, Skya, Sk.
- Meaning: Reflects the wintery beauty of Maine.
- Inspiration: The crisp and cool nature of frost.
- Variations: Frosty, F, Ross.
- Meaning: Evokes Maine’s many rivers and streams.
- Inspiration: The flowing and tranquil nature of rivers.
- Variations: Riv, Rive, Rivvy.
- Meaning: Strength, reflecting the sturdy build of the Maine Coon.
- Inspiration: The robust and enduring qualities of cedar trees.
- Variations: Ced, Cede, Dar.
- Meaning: A fiery name for a cat with a spark of personality.
- Inspiration: The glowing and warm qualities of embers.
- Variations: Em, Emberly, Emby.
- Meaning: New, a perfect name for a new addition to your family.
- Inspiration: The fresh and exciting nature of a new beginning.
- Variations: Nov, Nove, Novaie.
- Meaning: A curious name for a cat who loves to explore.
- Inspiration: The adventurous and exploratory spirit of a scout.
- Variations: Sc, Scou, Scoutie.
- Meaning: Sweet, a sweet name for a gentle giant.
- Inspiration: The gentle and charming qualities of maple trees.
- Variations: Mape, Mapie, M.
- Meaning: New beginnings, symbolizing fresh starts.
- Inspiration: The renewal and fresh qualities of birch trees.
- Variations: B, Birchy, Birk.
- Meaning: Softness, reflecting the softness of a Maine Coon’s fur.
- Inspiration: The gentle and cushioned nature of moss.
- Variations: Mos, Mossy, M.
- Meaning: Quiet, perfect for a gentle and quiet cat.
- Inspiration: The serene and soft qualities of a whisper.
- Variations: Whis, Whispery, W.
- Meaning: Swiftness, perfect for a fast and playful cat.
- Inspiration: The speed and agility of a comet.
- Variations: Com, Comie, Met.
- Meaning: Strength, reflecting the Maine Coon’s sturdy build.
- Inspiration: The solid and enduring nature of granite rock.
- Variations: Gran, Granit, Nite.
- Meaning: Powerful, a name for a cat with a big personality.
- Inspiration: The intense and dynamic qualities of a storm.
- Variations: Stormy, Stormie, Storr.
- Meaning: Vastness, evoking the Atlantic Ocean that borders Maine.
- Inspiration: The expansive and deep qualities of the ocean.
- Variations: Oce, Ocie, Ocea.
- Meaning: Gentle, a name for a gentle and calming cat.
- Inspiration: The light and soothing nature of a breeze.
- Variations: Breezy, B, Reez.
- Meaning: Tremble, hints at the way aspen leaves tremble in the wind.
- Inspiration: The playful and delicate nature of aspen leaves.
- Variations: Asp, Aspey, Pen.
- Meaning: Tall, reflecting the Maine Coon’s tall and majestic stature.
- Inspiration: The grand and towering qualities of pine trees.
- Variations: Pin, Piney, P.
- Meaning: Seaside, a perfect name for a cat who loves to lounge by the window.
- Inspiration: The relaxed and serene nature of coastal environments.
- Variations: Coa, Coastie, C.
- Meaning: Sandy shores, evokes the sandy shores of Maine’s beaches.
- Inspiration: The soft and picturesque qualities of sandy dunes.
- Variations: Dunie, D, Une.
- Meaning: Shelter, a small, sheltered bay, a safe haven for your cat.
- Inspiration: The cozy and protected nature of a cove.
- Variations: Covey, Co, Covee.
Male Maine Coon Cat Names
- Meaning: A classic name suitable for the elegant Maine Coon.
- Inspiration: The timeless charm and sophistication of Oliver Twist.
- Meaning: Named after the lion-like mane often seen on Maine Coons.
- Inspiration: The majestic and regal nature of lions.
- Variations: Leon, Leoie, Lee.
- Meaning: A popular choice for male cats, including Maine Coons.
- Inspiration: The strong and straightforward appeal of the name Max.
- Variations: Maxie, Maxwell, Maxx.
- Meaning: A dignified name befitting a regal feline.
- Inspiration: The traditional and honorable nature of the name Samuel.
- Variations: Sam, Sammy, Samuelito.
- Meaning: Friendly and approachable, perfect for a sociable cat.
- Inspiration: The amiable and charming nature of the name Charlie.
- Variations: Chuck, Char, Charles.
- Meaning: Adds a touch of Hollywood glamour to your cat’s persona.
- Inspiration: The classic and glamorous charm of Oscar winners.
- Variations: Ossie, Ozzie, Oscie.
- Meaning: Classic and timeless, reflecting the Maine Coon’s elegance.
- Inspiration: The enduring and sophisticated appeal of the name George.
- Variations: Georgie, Geo, Georgio.
- Meaning: Ideal for a cat with a strong and rugged appearance.
- Inspiration: The resilient and tough nature of the name Rocky.
- Variations: Rock, Rocco, Rok.
- Meaning: Inspired by the tall and majestic trees of Maine.
- Inspiration: The grandeur and elegance of aspen trees.
- Variations: Asp, Aspey.
- Meaning: Suited for a cuddly and bear-like personality in your cat.
- Inspiration: The warmth and cuddliness associated with bears.
- Variations: Beary, Bearnard.
- Meaning: An elegant name reflecting grace, perfect for a Maine Coon.
- Inspiration: The calm and flowing nature of rivers.
- Variations: Riv, Rivey.
- Meaning: Celebrates the iconic Maine moose in your cat’s name.
- Inspiration: The majestic and distinctive presence of moose.
- Variations: Moosie, Moos.
- Meaning: Ideal for a Maine Coon with a wild and adventurous side.
- Inspiration: The power and intensity of storms.
- Variations: Stormy, Stormie.
- Meaning: A quirky choice inspired by Maine’s famous seafood.
- Inspiration: The unique and fun aspect of lobsters.
- Variations: Lobbie, Lobsterella.
- Meaning: Celebrates Maine’s delicious blueberry harvest.
- Inspiration: The sweet and vibrant nature of blueberries.
- Variations: Blue, Berry, Bluie.
- Meaning: Named after the stunning Acadia National Park in Maine.
- Inspiration: The natural beauty and grandeur of Acadia.
- Variations: Cady, Ada.
- Meaning: Reflecting Waldo County, a picturesque part of Maine.
- Inspiration: The charming and scenic qualities of Waldo County.
- Variations: Wally, Waldi.
- Meaning: Inspired by the city of Portland, Maine.
- Inspiration: The vibrant and lively spirit of Portland.
- Variations: Port, Landy.
Bar Harbor
- Meaning: A unique name fitting for your unique cat.
- Inspiration: The picturesque and iconic Bar Harbor, Maine.
- Variations: Bar, Harbor.
- Meaning: Perfect for a cat exuding strength and presence like a god.
- Inspiration: The powerful Norse god Thor.
- Variations: Thory, Thorin.
- Meaning: Another Norse god name, ideal for a majestic feline like the Maine Coon.
- Inspiration: The wise and mighty Norse god Odin.
- Variations: Odie, Od.
- Meaning: Celebrates your cat’s epic size and power with this name.
- Inspiration: The legendary strength and heroism of Hercules.
- Variations: Herc, Hercie.
- Meaning: Reflects a cat who rules your household with authority and energy.
- Inspiration: The king of the Greek gods, Zeus.
- Variations: Z, Zuzu.
- Meaning: Ideal for a brave and powerful Maine Coon personality.
- Inspiration: The hero of Greek mythology, Achilles.
- Variations: Achie, Chilles.
- Meaning: After the legendary wizard, capturing your cat’s magical aura.
- Inspiration: The mystical and wise Merlin from Arthurian legend.
- Variations: Merl, Merlie.
- Meaning: Sweet as warm biscuits, perfect for an affectionate cat.
- Inspiration: The comforting and delightful nature of biscuits.
- Variations: Biscy, Biscuitie.
- Meaning: Suited for round and fluffy Maine Coons with charm.
- Inspiration: The endearing and sweet qualities of muffins.
- Variations: Muff, Muffie.
- Meaning: Quirky name fitting an orange-colored Maine Coon fur ball.
- Inspiration: The fun and vibrant nature of pumpkins.
- Variations: Punkie, Pum.
- Meaning: Celebrates dark and luxurious fur coats of some Maine Coons.
- Inspiration: The rich and indulgent nature of truffles.
- Variations: Truff, Truffie.
- Meaning: Ideal for cats with rich, chocolatey-colored coats.
- Inspiration: The warmth and richness of cocoa.
- Variations: Coco, Coie.
- Meaning: Perfect match for ginger-colored Maine Coons.
- Inspiration: The bright and vibrant color of cheddar cheese.
- Variations: Chedd, Cheddie.
- Meaning: Inspired by The Lion King, ideal for regal cats like yours.
- Inspiration: The majestic and noble lion from Disney’s The Lion King.
- Variations: Sim, Simmy.
- Meaning: For cats who love their lasagna just like the famous character.
- Inspiration: The iconic and humorous Garfield the cat.
- Variations: Garfy, Garf.
- Meaning: Classic cartoon-inspired name suitable for playful cats.
- Inspiration: The playful and energetic Felix the Cat.
- Variations: Feli, Fel.
Tom (or Jerry)
- Meaning: Iconic duo names perfect if you have two male coons.
- Inspiration: The classic cat-and-mouse duo from cartoons.
- Variations: Tommy, Jer.
- Meaning: Named after the wise black cat from Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
- Inspiration: The clever and magical Salem from the TV show.
- Variations: Sal, Salie.
Gentle Giant
- Meaning: Highlights their big hearts and gentle nature.
- Inspiration: The affectionate and gentle demeanor of Maine Coons.
- Variations: G.G., Gentle.
Laid-Back Louie
- Meaning: For relaxed and easygoing felines.
- Inspiration: The chill and calm nature of Louie.
- Variations: Lou, Louie.
- Meaning: If your coon has an irresistible personality.
- Inspiration: The charismatic and charming nature of your cat.
- Variations: Charm, Charmi.
Majestic Mike
- Meaning: For cats that demand respect with their presence.
- Inspiration: The grandeur and majesty of a regal cat.
- Variations: Mike, Micky.
Snuggle Buddy
- Meaning: Sweet name reflecting their loving nature.
- Inspiration: The affectionate and cuddly nature of Maine Coons.
- Variations: Snugs, Buddy.
- Meaning: Endearing name emphasizing super fluffy fur.
- Inspiration: The extremely fluffy coat of Maine Coons.
- Variations: Fluffy, Fluffs.
- Meaning: Celebrates impressive whiskers on your coon.
- Inspiration: The prominent and distinctive whiskers of Maine Coons.
- Variations: Whiskers, Paws.
Fuzzy Wuzzy
- Meaning: Perfect if your coon is incredibly soft to touch.
- Inspiration: The soft and plush texture of Maine Coons.
- Variations: Fuzz, Wuzz.
Paws Malone
- Meaning: For cats who rule their neighborhood effortlessly.
- Inspiration: The confident and commanding presence of your cat.
- Variations: Paws, Malone.
Purrlock Holmes
- Meaning: Clever name suiting intelligent feline detectives.
- Inspiration: The intelligent and perceptive nature of Sherlock Holmes.
- Variations: Purrlock, Holmes.
- Meaning: Ideal if you’re into music or have musical interests.
- Inspiration: The musical and rhythmic nature of guitars.
- Variations: Guit, Guitie.
- Meaning: Reflects nautical themes or interests.
- Inspiration: The adventurous and sea-loving spirit.
- Variations: Sail, Saily.
- Meaning: Pays homage to Maine’s fishing heritage.
- Inspiration: The rich fishing tradition of Maine.
- Variations: Fish, Fishy.
- Meaning: Perfect fit for adventurous outdoor-loving cats.
- Inspiration: The adventurous and exploring spirit.
- Variations: Hike, Hikey.
Female Maine Coon Cat Names
- Meaning: Dawn
- Inspiration: The stunning aurora borealis, reflecting beauty and wonder.
- Variations: Aura, Rory.
- Meaning: Wild Rose
- Inspiration: The wild and natural beauty of a rosebush.
- Variations: Bri, Briarrose.
- Meaning: Cinnamon
- Inspiration: The warm, reddish-brown hue of cinnamon.
- Variations: Cass, Cassie.
- Meaning: Luck
- Inspiration: The luck and charm associated with four-leaf clovers.
- Variations: Clo, Clovey.
- Meaning: Spark
- Inspiration: The fiery spark and warmth of embers.
- Variations: Em, Emmie.
- Meaning: Wildlife
- Inspiration: The wild and untamed spirit of the natural world.
- Variations: Faun, Fauny.
- Meaning: Delicate Beauty
- Inspiration: The elegance and delicacy of ferns.
- Variations: Fernie, Fernanda.
- Meaning: Flowers
- Inspiration: The beauty and variety of blooming flowers.
- Variations: Flo, Florie.
- Meaning: Winter Wonderland
- Inspiration: The crisp and magical beauty of frost.
- Variations: Frostie, Frostina.
- Meaning: Earth Mother
- Inspiration: The nurturing and majestic qualities of Gaia, the Earth goddess.
- Variations: Gai, Gaya.
- Meaning: Spicy
- Inspiration: The vibrant and lively nature of ginger.
- Variations: Ginny, Gingie.
- Meaning: Hazelnut Color
- Inspiration: The warm, nutty color of hazelnuts and hazel eyes.
- Variations: Haze, Hazey.
- Meaning: Rainbow
- Inspiration: The beauty and diversity of a rainbow.
- Variations: Irie, Ris.
- Meaning: Evergreen
- Inspiration: The resilient and enduring nature of evergreen trees.
- Variations: June, Junie.
- Meaning: Victory
- Inspiration: The symbol of triumph and honor associated with laurel wreaths.
- Variations: Laurie, Laura.
- Meaning: Delicate Flower
- Inspiration: The gentle and fragrant beauty of lilac flowers.
- Variations: Lily, Lil.
- Meaning: Moon
- Inspiration: The elegant and mysterious qualities of the moon.
- Variations: Lu, Lunie.
- Meaning: Sweet
- Inspiration: The sweetness and beauty of maple trees.
- Variations: Mapie, Mape.
- Meaning: Wildflower
- Inspiration: The freedom and beauty of a meadow filled with wildflowers.
- Variations: Meaddie, Meady.
- Meaning: Ethereal
- Inspiration: The calming and mystical quality of mist.
- Variations: Misty, Misti.
- Meaning: Softness
- Inspiration: The soft and lush quality of moss.
- Variations: Mossey, Mossie.
- Meaning: Gift
- Inspiration: The precious gift your cat is to you.
- Variations: Nal, Nali.
- Meaning: Precious Stone
- Inspiration: The rarity and beauty of opal gemstones.
- Variations: Opie, Opi.
- Meaning: Precious Gem
- Inspiration: The elegance and value of pearls.
- Variations: Pearlie, Pear.
- Meaning: Delicate Beauty
- Inspiration: The soft and gentle nature of flower petals.
- Variations: Petie, Petie.
- Meaning: Bright & Cheerful
- Inspiration: The vibrant and cheerful nature of poppy flowers.
- Variations: Pops, Poppie.
- Meaning: Gentle
- Inspiration: The soothing and refreshing quality of rain.
- Variations: Rainey, Rainie.
- Meaning: Protection
- Inspiration: The protective and nurturing qualities of the rowan tree.
- Variations: Rowie, Row.
- Meaning: Red
- Inspiration: The rich and vibrant color of rubies.
- Variations: Rubes, Rubie.
- Meaning: Golden Spice
- Inspiration: The warm and exotic spice of saffron.
- Variations: Saffy, Saffi.
- Meaning: Wise
- Inspiration: The wisdom and calmness of a sage.
- Variations: Sagie, Sagi.
- Meaning: Blue
- Inspiration: The deep and captivating blue of sapphires.
- Variations: Sapphie, Saph.
- Meaning: Earthy Tone
- Inspiration: The warm, earthy color of sienna pigment.
- Variations: Sien, Siennie.
- Meaning: Limitless
- Inspiration: The boundless and expansive nature of the sky.
- Variations: Skye, Skyler.
- Meaning: Vivacious
- Inspiration: The lively and glimmering quality of sparkles.
- Variations: Spark, Sparkie.
- Meaning: Fiery
- Inspiration: The zest and energy of spices.
- Variations: Spicie, Spicy.
- Meaning: Glimmering
- Inspiration: The enchanting and shimmering light of stars.
- Variations: Star, Starlie.
- Meaning: Powerful
- Inspiration: The strength and intensity of a storm.
- Variations: Stormie, Stormy.
- Meaning: Hopeful
- Inspiration: The optimism and new beginnings associated with a sunrise.
- Variations: Sunny, Rise.
- Meaning: Graceful
- Inspiration: The elegance and flexibility of willow trees.
- Variations: Willa, Willi.